- Classical references
- Family villainy & revenge
- Filial anger
- Orestes & Clytemnestra
Filial anger
- Rejected advances
- Phaedra & Hippolytus
Rejected advances
- Brothers at war
- Atreus & Thyestes
Brothers at war
- Filial anger
- Relationship strife
- Desertion
- Medea & Jason
- Jealousy
- Hera & Semele
- Friendship betrayed
- Achilles
Friendship betrayed
- Desertion
- The vengeance of the gods
- Divine anger at mortals
- Tantalus
- Prometheus
- Artemis & Acteon
Divine anger at mortals
- Divine retribution
- Nemesis
- The Furies
Divine retribution
- Divine anger at mortals
- Family villainy & revenge
- Biblical references
- Adultery
- Deliah & Samson
- Satan, the arch villain
- Satan's rebellion
- Satan's attack
- Satan's defeat
Satan, the arch villain
- Family villainy & revenge
- Brothers at war
- Cain and Abel
- Jacob & Esau
- Joseph and his brothers
- Absalom & Amnon
Brothers at war
- Filial rebellion
- Absolom and David
Filial rebellion
- Brothers at war
- Relationship strife
- Rejected advances
- Joseph and Potiphar's wife
Rejected advances
- Jealousy
- Saul & David
- Jezebel & Elijah
- Esther, Haman & Mordecai
- Adultery
- David & Bathsheba
- Rejected advances
- Betrayal
- Retribution
- Divine justice
- Human desire for justice
- Vengeance belongs to God
- Old Testament code
Divine justice
- Forgiveness
- Divine justice
- Adultery
- The White Devil
- Contemporary attitudes
- The honour / vengeance code
The honour / vengeance code
- Attitudes to Italy
- Corruption and catholicism
- Machievelli
Attitudes to Italy
- The concept of divine retribution
- God the judge
- Purgatory and hell
- Readiness for death
The concept of divine retribution
- Forgiveness, mercy and grace
Forgiveness, mercy and grace
- Jacobean melancholy
- Moral chaos and revenge
- The Malcontent
Jacobean melancholy
- The honour / vengeance code
- Key characters
- Flamineo
- Vittoria
- Francisco de Medici
Francisco de Medici
- Cardinal Monticelsco
Cardinal Monticelsco
- Lodovico
- Brachiano
- Zanche
- Imagery & themes
- Death
- Power corrupted
- Physical & moral disease
Power corrupted
- Deception
- Contemporary attitudes
- Contemporary attitudes
- The concept of divine retribution
- God the judge
- Heaven & hell
Readiness for death
The concept of divine retribution
- Forgiveness, mercy and grace
Forgiveness, mercy and grace
- The concept of divine retribution
- Hindley
- Heathcliff
- Heathcliff alone
- The desire for revenge
- The abatement of revenge
- Heathcliff & Hindley
- Hindley's degradation
- Hareton
Heathcliff & Hindley
- Heathcliff & Edgar
- Isabella
- Cathy & Linton
- Property & influence
Heathcliff & Edgar
- Heathcliff & Catherine
- Eternal unrest
Heathcliff & Catherine
- Nelly
- Isabella
- Imagery & themes
- Contemporary attitudes
- The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale
- Authorial attitudes
- Contemporary attitudes
- Sin and forgiveness
- Death the leveller
Death the leveller
- Key characters
- The Pardoner
- Cheating and lying
- Personal greed
- Challenging salvation
The Pardoner
- The Host
- The three youths
- Cheating and lying
- Arrogance
- Personal greed
- Murder
The three youths
- Old Man / Death
- The Pardoner
- Themes & imagery
- Hamlet
- Contemporary attitudes
- The honour / vengeance code
The honour / vengeance code
- The concept of divine retribution
- God the judge
- Purgatory and hell
- Readiness for death
The concept of divine retribution
- Forgiveness, mercy and grace
Forgiveness, mercy and grace
- The honour / vengeance code
- Key characters
- Imagery & themes
- Seeming
- Spying and traps
- Corruption
- Death and murder
Death and murder
- Contemporary attitudes
- Classical references