A-Z: General definitions
- Leda
- Left hand
- Left Wing
- Legalistic
- Legend
- Leitmotif
- Lenin
- Lent
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Leper
- Leprosy
- Lerna
- Lesbianism
- Lethe
- Leto
- Letter and Spirit
- Letters
- Levellers
- Levi
- Leviathan
- Levite
- Leviticus
- Lexical field
- Lexis
- Liberal
- Libertine
- Library
- Librettist
- Libretto
- Licentiousness
- Life after death
- Light
- Lily
- Limbo
- Limpid
- Line
- Lion
- Liquid
- Litany
- Literal
- Literariness
- Literary
- Literary Analysis
- Literary Criticism
- Literate
- Literature
- Litotes
- Little lower than the Angels
- Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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A-Z: General definitions: Levite
One of the twelve tribes of Jacob which made up the Israelite people. The Levites had a special role in assisting in the priestly duties in the Temple.
Significant number in the Bible. There were twelve tribes of Israel. Jesus chose twelve disciples to work with and learn from him and take his message to others
In the Old Testament the son of Isaac and Rebekah and twin brother of Esau. He wrestled with God and was often devious.
Descendant of Israel (Jacob) and occupant of Israel.
A sacred building used for worship. In the Bible, the Temple was the centre of Jewish worship in Jerusalem. In the New Testament, the term is also used as an image of the believer's physical body.
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