Detailed text guides
- Brontës, selected poems: context links
- Christina Rossetti, selected poems
- The Color Purple
- Doctor Faustus
- Dubliners
- Equus
- Frankenstein
- The General Prologue: context links
- Gerard Manley Hopkins, selected poems
- Great Expectations
- The Great Gatsby
- Hamlet
- The Handmaid's Tale
- Hard Times: context links
- Jane Eyre
- John Keats, selected poems
- King Lear
- Macbeth: context links
- The Mayor of Casterbridge: context links
- Measure for Measure
- Metaphysical poets, selected poems
- The Nun's Priest's Tale: context links
- Othello
- The Pardoner's Prologue and Tale
- Persuasion
- The Return of the Native: context links
- Romantic poets, selected poems: context links
- Songs of Innocence and Experience
- The Taming of the Shrew
- The Tempest: context links
- Tess of the d'Urbervilles
- Thomas Hardy, selected poems: context links
- Twelfth Night: context links
- The White Devil
- Wide Sargasso Sea
- The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale
- Wilfred Owen, selected poems
- The Winter's Tale
- Wuthering Heights
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