A-Z: Common sayings from the Bible
- Threescore years and ten
- Through a glass darkly
- Thy neighbour's wife
- Till death us do part
- Tithe
- To have and to hold
- Tower of Babel
- Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is grown he will not depart from it
- Treasure in clay pots / earthen vessels
- Turn the other cheek
- Twinkling of an eye
- Valley of the shadow of death
- Vanity of vanities
- Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord
- Voice crying in the wilderness
- Wages of sin is death
- Washing one's hands of something
- Watch in the night
- Weaker vessel
- Weighed in the balance
- Well done, good and faithful servant
- Wheat and tares
- Whited sepulchre
- Whitewashed wall
- Whole duty of man
- Whore of Babylon
- Widow's cruse of oil
- Widow's mite
- Wisdom of Solomon
- Wolf in sheep's clothing
- Working out one's own salvation
- Writing on the wall
- Your sin will find you out
A-Z: Common sayings from the Bible: To have and to hold
Stressing the permanence of marriage.Definition
Christian marriage is regarded as a life-long agreement and commitment between a man and a woman. In older forms of the language, 'to hold' means to protect. 'I take thee ... to have and to hold from this day forward ... till death us do part '' (Taken from the Book of Common Prayer, 1662, Marriage service).In the Bible the promise, or contract, between a man and a woman committing them to a life together, is also used as an image of the relationship between God and his people. .
Name originally given to disciples of Jesus by outsiders and gradually adopted by the Early Church.
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