- AV resources
- Dr Faustus - scene 5, part 1
- Dr Faustus - scene 5, part 2
- Dr Faustus - scene 13
- Hamlet - Act 1, scene 5
- Hamlet - Act 3, scene 4
- Measure for Measure - Act 2, scene 2
- Measure for Measure - Act 5, scene 1
- Death be not Proud
- Hymn To God in my sicknesse
- The Agonie
- The White Devil - Act 5, scene 2
- Paradise Lost - Book 1, lines 17-26
- Paradise Lost - Book 1, lines 34-49
- Songs of Innocence - The Lamb
- Songs of Experience - Introduction
- Intimations of Immortality
- Frankenstein - Vol 1, chapter 4
- Wuthering Heights - ch 16
- Jane Eyre - ch 26
- Jane Eyre - ch 27
- Jane Eyre - ch 38
- Great Expectations - ch 3
- Great Expectations - ch 56
- The Lowest Place
- Despised and Rejected
- Our Mutual Friend - Vol 4, ch 6
- I wake and feel the fell
- Tess of the d'Urbervilles - ch 5
- The Latest Decalogue
- The Great Gatsby - chapter 8
- The Handmaid's Tale - section 11 ch 30 Night
Songs of Innocence - The Lamb
Accompanying teaching resources
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