Marvell, Andrew Timeline

Year Historical Literary Author
1621 Bacon dismissed from office
Performances of Philip Massinger's A New Way to Pay Old Debts
Thomas Middleton's Women Beware Women

Andrew Marvell born in East Yorkshire.  

1622 Performance of Middleton's The Changeling
1625 James I dies. Charles I becomes king. Charles marries Henrietta Maria of France
1626 War with France Bacon dies
1628 John Bunyan born
Laud appointed Bishop of London
Buckingham assassinated
1629 Charles I suspends Parliament and has Sir John Eliot among other leaders imprisoned
1630 Future Charles II is born
1631 Bishop Laud enforces uniformity to the Church of England John Dryden born
1633 Laud becomes Archbishop of Canterbury Ford's 'Tis Pity She's a Whore Marvell matriculates at Trinity College, Cambridge
1634 Charles insists upon payment of Ship Money without agreement of Parliament
1637 Action to impose new Prayer Book on Scottish Church led by Charles Marvell has Greek and Latin poems to Charles I published
1638 Crashaw friends with Abraham Cowley

Marvell wins scholarship at Trinity.  

1640 Charles I recalls Parliament, who impeach Laud and Strafford. Strafford executed

Marvell leaves Cambridge on father's death.  

1641 Grand Remonstrance in Parliament
Breakdown of censorship
1642 Civil War begins between Royalists and Parliamentary forces (August).
Charles leaves London and Parliament reorganises London militia.
Henrietta Maria sails to France for financial and military assistance.
Charles at Nottingham calls for volunteers to the royalist cause.
Attempt to arrest MPs.
Battle of Edgehill

Marvell in Europe.  

1644 Battle of Marston Moor means that North of England is secured for Parliament
1645 Battle of Naseby; defeat of Royalists
Prayer Book abolished and Laud executed
1646 Charles surrenders to the Scots
Shirley's Poems
1647 Charles delivered over to Parliament. Putney Debates.
Charles escapes to the Isle of Wight
Folio of Beaumont and Fletcher's Comedies and Tragedies
1648 Herrick's Hesperides
1649 Charles I executed. Abolition of monarchy and England declared a commonwealth
1650 Cromwell replaces Fairfax as Lord General

Marvell's Horatian Ode to Cromwell; at Nun Appleton House as tutor to Mary Fairfax.  

1651 Charles II crowned at Scone. His forces are defeated at the Battle of Worcester and he flees to France Marvell's Upon Appleton House
Hobbes' Leviathan
1653 Cromwell named as Lord Protector Walton's Compleat Angler
Cavendish's Poems and Fancies
Marvell tutor to Cromwell's ward
1655 War with Spain (until 1659)

Marvell's First Anniversary.  

1656 Bunyan's Some Gospel-Truths Opened
Cowley's Poems
1657 Cromwell refuses to be crowned king Marvell becomes Latin Secretary to Government
1658 Cromwell, the Lord Protector, dies. Richard Cromwell new Protector Marvell's Upon the Death of The Lord Protector
1659 Richard Cromwell resigns. Army leaders recall the Rump Parliament Dryden's On Death of The Lord Protector
Bunyan's The Doctrine of the Law and Grace Unfolded
Marvell M.P. for Hull
1660 Restoration: Charles II returns to England
Royal Society founded
Dryden's Astraea Redux
1662 Royal Society chartered
1665 Great Plague
1666 Fire of London. Old St.Paul's burned
1667 Dryden's Annus Mirabilis
1668 Dryden made Poet Laureate. Dryden's An Essay of Dramatic Poesy
1670 Walton publishes first biographies of Donne, Herbert and Wotton
1678 Popish Plot Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress Marvell dies
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