A-Z: General definitions
- Anti-clerical
- Anti-Papist
- Anti-Semitic
- Anti-semitism
- Antigone
- Antihero
- Antiope
- Antipathy
- Antithesis
- antitype
- Anton Chekhov
- Antonym
- Apartheid
- Aphorism
- Aphra Behn
- Aphrodite
- Apocalypse
- Apocrypha
- Apollo
- Apollos
- Apollyon
- Apologetics
- Apostate
- Apostle
- Apostolic
- Apostrophe
- Apothecary
- appendix
- Apple
- Apple of Discord and Judgement of Paris
- Apples, Golden
- Appreciation
- Approbation
- Apron
- Aptronym
- Aramaic
- Arawak
- Arcadia
- Arcadian
- Archaic
- Archaism
- Archangel
- Archbishop
- Archbishop of Canterbury
- Archdeacon
- archetype
- Ares
- Arethusa
- Argo
- Argonauts
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A-Z: General definitions: appendix
A subsidiary text that is added after the main body of text, providing additional documentation or explanation.
1. The fundamental term for any written piece of work; 2. A book to be studied in an academic context; 3. In preaching, the section of the Bible upon which the sermon is based.
1. The fundamental term for any written piece of work; 2. A book to be studied in an academic context; 3. In preaching, the section of the Bible upon which the sermon is based.
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