A-Z: General definitions
- Gabriel
- Gaia
- Galilee
- Galileo
- Garden
- Garden of Eden
- Gates of Hell
- Gay Pride
- Gaza Strip
- Gehenna
- Gender neutral pronouns
- General Strike
- Generation of Vipers
- Generic term
- Genesis
- Geneva Bible
- Genre
- Gentile
- Gentiless
- Gentils
- Gentry
- Geoffrey Chaucer
- George Byron
- George Eliot
- George Herbert
- George Orwell
- George V
- George VI
- Georgian poet
- German line
- Geryon
- Get thee behind me
- Gethsemane
- Gideon
- Gift of Tongues
- Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Gig
- Gilbertines
- Gilead
- Girandole
- Glass (mirror)
- Glean
- Glebe
- Globe Theatre
- Gloria
- Gloria in Excelsis
- Gloriana
- Glory
- Glossa Ordinaria
A-Z: General definitions: George Herbert
(1593 - 1633) Welsh-born metaphysical poet. See George Herbert biography.
The Metaphysical Poets were a group of seventeenth century English poets, including John Donne, George Herbert and Richard Crashaw, who used philosophical ideas extensively in their imagery and especially in conceits.
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