A-Z: General definitions
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A-Z: General definitions: Maundy Thursday
(Latin mandatum 'commandment'). Thursday before Easter Sunday. Commemorates the Last Supper (Christ's sharing of the Passover meal with his disciples) at which he instituted the Eucharist, washed the disciples' feet and commanded that they should love one another as he loved them.
Latin: mandatum, 'commandment'.The language of the ancient Romans which gradually became the language of the part of the Christian Church which owed allegiance to Rome.
Day on which the Church celebrates the Resurrection of Christ three days after his death on the cross.
The Passover meal which Jesus ate with his disciples before his betrayal and arrest, at which he instituted the eucharist or holy communion or mass.
Title (eventually used as name) given to Jesus, refering to an anointed person set apart for a special task such as a king.
1. Term meaning learner or follower.
2. Used in the New Testament in particularly of the twelve apostles of Jesus.
3. Now applied more generally to all Christians.
An act of remembrance in which Christians consume bread and wine in the way that Jesus demonstrated at the Last Supper before his betrayal and death.
The language of the ancient Romans which gradually became the language of the part of the Christian Church which owed allegiance to Rome.
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