A-Z: Literary titles from the Bible
- Between the Porch and the altar
- Blessed are the peacemakers
- Blessed are they that have not seen
- Blessed be the paps
- Blessed Virgin Mary Compared to the Air We Breathe, The
- Blind Bartimaeus
- Bread upon the waters
- Bunch of grapes, The
- Burning of the Temple
- But men loved darkness rather than light
- By the rivers of Babylon we sat down and wept
- By the waters of Babylon, B.C.570
- By the waters of Whitechapel
- Cana Revisited
- Carpenter's Son, The
- Carpenter's Son, The
- Castle of Perseverance (and various other mystery plays)
- Charity
- Chewing the cud, The
- Child
- Children of men, The
- Christ
- Christ crucified
- Christmas
- Cold Lazarus
- Coming of the End, The
- Coming of the plague, The
- Confessions of a Justified Sinner
- Consider the Lilies
- Consider the Lilies of the Field
- Coronet, The
- Covenant, The
- Crucible, The
- Crucifixion (many poems contain this term)
- Crucifying
- Darkness at Noon
- Darkness Visible
- Daughter of Herodias, The
- David
- David and Bathsheba
- David and Goliath
- David in the cave of Adullam
- Day of Atonement
- Day of Judgement
- Day of Judgement, The
- De Profundis
- De Profundis
- Death is Swallowed up in Victory
- Death of Moses, The
- Death of Saul, The
A-Z: Literary titles from the Bible: Darkness Visible
During the crucifixion of Jesus, the sun was obscured over the noon period of the day
Cultural References
Big ideas: Cross, crucifixionExecution by nailing or binding a person to a cross.
The name given to the man believed by Christians to be the Son of God. Also given the title Christ, meaning 'anointed one' or Messiah. His life is recorded most fully in the Four Gospels.
1. Instrument of execution used in the Roman Empire.
2. The means by which Jesus Christ was put to death and therefore the primary symbol of the Christian faith, representing the way in which he is believed to have won forgiveness for humankind.
Execution by nailing or binding a person to a cross.
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