Gerard Manley Hopkins, selected poems Contents
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To Seem the Stranger
To seem the stranger lies my lot, my life
Among strangèrs. Father and mother dear,
Brothers and sisters are in Christ not near
And he my peace my parting, sword and strife.
England, whose honour O all my heart woos, wife
To my creating thought, would neither hear
Me, were I pleading, plead nor do I: I wear-
y of idle a being but by where wars are rife.
I am in Ireland now; now I am at a thírd
Remove. Not but in all removes I can
Kind love both give and get. Only what word
Wisest my heart breeds dark heaven's baffling ban
Bars or hell's spell thwarts. This to hoard unheard,
Heard unheeded, leaves me a lonely began.
The term used in the New Testament to indicate the equality of all the members of Christ's 'family', the church.
Title (eventually used as name) given to Jesus, refering to an anointed person set apart for a special task such as a king.
The Hebrew word for peace 'shalom' (also used as a greeting) means not only the absence of war but but the benefits and wellbeing brought by positive relationships.
In many religions, the place where God dwells, and to which believers aspire after their death. Sometimes known as Paradise.
Jesus describes hell as the place where Satan and his demons reside and the realm where unrepentant souls will go after the Last Judgement.
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