Part 22: l.1073-1105

1073 Now wolden som men seye, paraventure,     
1074 That for my necligence I do no cure     
1075 To tellen yow the joye and al th' array     
1076 That at the feeste was that ilke day.     
1077 To which thyng shortly answeren I shal:     
1078 I seye ther nas no joye ne feeste at al;     
1079 Ther nas but hevynesse and muche sorwe.     
1080 For prively he wedded hire on the morwe,     
1081 And al day after hidde hym as an owle,     
1082 So wo was hym, his wyf looked so foule.     
1083 Greet was the wo the knyght hadde in his thoght,     
1084 Whan he was with his wyf abedde ybroght;     
1085 He walweth and he turneth to and fro.     
1086 His olde wyf lay smylynge everemo,     
1087 And seyde, o deere housbonde, benedicitee!     
1088 Fareth every knyght thys with his wyf as ye?     
1089 Is this the lawe of kyng arthures hous?     
1090 Is every knyght of his so dangerous?     
1091 I am youre owene love and eek youre wyf;     
1092 I am she which that saved hath youre lyf,     
1093 And, certes, yet ne dide I yow nevere unright;     
1094 Why fare ye thus with me this firste nyght?     
1095 Ye faren lyk a man had lost his wit.     
1096 What is my gilt? for goddes love, tel me it,     
1097 And it shal been amende, if I may.     
1098 Amended? quod this knyght, allas! nay, nay!     
1099 It wol nat been amended nevere mo.     
1100 Thou art so loothly, and so oold also,     
1101 And therto comen of so lough a kynde,     
1102 That litel wonder is thogh I walwe and wynde.     
1103 So wolde God myn herte wolde breste!     
1104 Is this, quod she, the cause of youre unreste?     
1105 Ye, certeinly, quod he, no wonder is.     

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