The Winter's Tale Contents
- Social / political context
- Religious / philosophical context
- The Theatre
The chain of being
At the time Shakespeare was writing, the universe was seen as a hierarchy, known as the Chain of Being. God, the Creator, was at the top.
- Next to God in the order of creation were the angelic spirits: there were thought to be nine orders, or ranks: Seraphs, Cherubs, Thrones, Principalities, Virtues, Powers, Dominions , Archangels, Angels. As spirits, these were unchangeable, bodiless intermediaries between God and man; although they did not have bodies, they were thought to be able to create themselves bodies out of air so that they could appear to humans.
- Below these spirits were human beings, who were thought to be unique in having both a body, like animals, but also a spirit (or soul).
- Below mankind came animals, having body but no soul; then plants; then stones.
See also - The nature of humanity in The Winter's Tale: |
The chain of being | The state as a body | Reason and passion | Disease and healing |
A body of persons or things ranked in grades, orders, or classes. Used specifically of the 'Nine orders of angels'.
A theoretical view of the universe, often reflected in Shakespearean drama, in which every creature in the universe is in a hierarchical line of descent from the overall creator, God.
Literally, one who makes.
Supernatural beings closely linked with the work of God; his messengers, traditionally portrayed as having a winged human form.
A non-physical being, or the non-physical but vital and intelligent part of a being, not limited by physical constraints.
Seraphs were winged serpents whose images decorated many of the thrones of the Egyptian Pharaohs, thought to act as guardians over the king. The Israelites adopted the symbolism for God's throne.
One of several different types of angels, often represented as a winged child.
Chief angel. In Christian tradition Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are considered to be archangels.
Supernatural beings closely linked with the work of God; his messengers, traditionally portrayed as having a winged human form.
The spirit which gives life to a human being; the part which lives on after death; a person's inner being (personality, intellect, emotions and will) which distinguishes them from animals.
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