Rhys, Jean Contents
Rhys, Jean Timeline
Year | Historical | Literary | Author |
1890 |
First underground railway in London Sir James Frazer's The Golden Bough (first two vols; complete 13 vols., -1915) First of the Jim Crow laws passed to segregate blacks from whites in the South Southern states pass series of laws to restrict black voting rights |
William Morris' News from Nowhere Emily Dickinson, Poems |
Born Ella Gwendolen Rees Williams on August 24th in Dominica, West Indies (Some biographies give 1894, which is a date Rhys herself supplied for Who's Who) |
1891 | William Morris, Kelmscott Press | Gissing's New Grub Street | |
1892 | Daimlers sell their first motor car | ||
1893 | Independent Labour Party formed | ||
1895 | Oscar Wilde arrested and imprisoned for homosexuality | ||
1897 | Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee | ||
1899 |
( - 1902) Second Boer War Irish Literary Theatre founded |
Ibsen's When We Dead Awaken Pinero's Trelawney of the 'Wells' Symons' The Symbolist Movement in literature Wells' Tales of Space and Time |
Attends convent school in Roseau |
1900 |
Most children under eleven attending elementary school Daily Express founded Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams |
1901 |
Queen Victoria dies. Edward VII king First transatlantic radio communication by Marconi |
Wells' The First Men in the Moon | |
1902 |
Balfour Education Act establishes state system of secondary schools Second Boer War ends |
Bennett's Anna of the Five towns Mare's Songs of Childhood Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles Kipling's Just So Stories |
1903 |
Wilbur and Orville Wright make first powered flight New York-London news service begins using wireless telegraphy Emmeline Pankhurst founds the Women's Social and Political Union |
Butler's The Way of All Flesh James' The Ambassadors The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. du Bois |
1904 |
Entente Cordiale settles colonial differences between UK and France Offset printing invented Abbey Theatre, Dublin, founded Freud's The Psychopathology of Everyday Life |
Hardy's The Dynasts, Part I published J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan first performed on stage James' The Golden Bowl |
1905 |
Start of suffragette agitation and first suffragettes imprisoned Einstein's special theory of relativity Freud's Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality |
Doyle's The Return of Sherlock Holmes Wells' Kipps |
1906 | Liberal landslide in general election; 29 Labour MPs elected and Labour Party constituted | Mare's Poems | |
1907 | Pablo Picasso introduces cubism | Age 17, leaves Dominica for school in England. Attends the Perse School, Cambridge (briefly) | |
1908 |
Old Age Pensions Act introduces state pensions for the over-seventies Ford's first Model T car sold in Britain Pathe's first regular newsreel First aeroplane flight in Britain |
Edmund Gosse's Father & Son published Bennett's The Old Wives' Tale Wells' The War in the Air |
Leaves school to go to the Trees School, later Academy of Dramatic Art (which later became RADA) in London. Father dies, she leaves the Academy after two terms |
1909 |
North Pole reached by Robert Peary (US) NAACP founded |
Galsworthy's Strife Pound's Personae |
Goes on the stage as a chorus girl in musical comedies in London and touring the provinces |
1910 |
Edward VII dies. George V becomes king South Wales Miners' strike First post-impressionist exhibition in London First feature-length films Freud's On Psychoanalysis Collapse of cotton farming due to boll weevil damage |
Galsworthy's Justice Wells' The History of Mr Polly |
First love affair, with a man twice her age who leaves her, pensioning her off |
1911 |
Ford Model T assembly plant opened in Manchester Beatrice and Webb's Poverty Der Blaue Reiter group of expressionist artists formed in Munich Frazer's The Golden Bough (11 vols.-1915; first two vols., 1890) Roald Amundsen reaches South Pole Suffragette riots in London |
Wells' The New Machiavelli | |
1912 |
First Post-Impressionism Exhibition in London Titanic sinks Widespread strikes in Britain Women's Franchise Bill rejected by the House of Commons; suffragettes riot in London Some 400 cinemas in London; establishment of British Board of Film Censors |
Bridges' Poetical Works Mare's The Listeners Georgian Poetry, ed. Edward Marsh Pound's Ripostes Mann's Death in Venice |
Enters a kind of life considered disreputable by the conventional standards of the day. As an economically unsupported woman, she takes work on the borders of prostitution and is kept by wealthier men. Her attempts to carry on a stage career are unsuccessful |
1913 |
Suffragette Emily Davies dies after throwing herself under the King's horse at the Derby Freud's Totem and Taboo; also Interpretation of Dreams Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring 'Cat and Mouse' Act House of Commons passes Irish Home Rule Bill but rejected by the House of Lords Suffragette deonstrations |
Marcel Proust publishes first of the seven volumes of A la recherche du temps perdu (Remembrance of Things Past) (last volume, 1927) | |
1914 |
August: Great War breaks out (to November 1918) Irish Home Rule Act passed but later suspended because of war World War One - although segregated, black soldiers enlisted to fight in US armed forces |
Pound's Des Imagistes | |
1915 |
War intensifies with huge losses Zeppelin attacks on London Sinking of Lusitania Einstein's general theory of relativity Second Battle of Ypres |
Brooke's 1914 and Other Poems Buchan's The Thirty-Nine Steps Kafka's Metamorphosis Maugham's Of Human Bondage Some's Imagist Poets: An Anthology, ed. Amy Lowell (further Imagist anthologies followed in 1916 and 1917) Ford Maddox Ford's The Good Soldier |
Volunteers for work in a soldiers' canteen |
1916 |
Easter Rising, Dublin Conscription introduced Battle of the Somme Theories of shell-shock develop Jung's Psychology of the Unconscious Battle of Verdun Lloyd George becomes Prime Minister The Great Migration to the north begins (US) |
Brighouse's Hobson's Choice Wells' Mr Britling Sees it Through |
1917 |
USA enters war Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele) Russian Revolution (March) Freud's Introduction to Psychoanalysis Abdication of Czar Nicholas II Russian Revolution (October) |
1918 |
End of the Great War: Armistice, 11 November Rutherford splits atom Representation of the People Act (4th Reform Bill) gives the vote to all men over twenty-one and women over thirty Stopes' Married Love; Parenthood Fisher Education Act raises school-leaving age to fourteen Influenza pandemic, kills over 20 million people world-wide by 1920 Execution of Czar Nicholas II Vote given to all men over twenty-one and women over thirty |
Joyce's Exiles Thomas' Last Poems |
Works in a pensions office Meets Jean Lenglet, a Dutch writer and journalist |
1919 |
Treaty of Versailles Anglo-Irish War begins Nancy Astor becomes first woman MP Flu pandemic Peace conference at Versailles |
Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence |
Marries Jean Lenglet and moves to Holland, then to Paris and Vienna Birth of their son William, who lives only 3 weeks |
1920 |
Partition of Ireland League of Nations founded (precursor of the United Nations) Oxford admits women to degrees (1880 at London University) Jung's Psychological Types |
Christie's The Mysterious Affair at Styles Mansfield's Bliss Strachey's Eminent Victorians Hardy's Collected Poems |
1921 |
Economic slump Marie Stopes opens first birth-control clinic in London Irish Free State formed |
Huxley's Crome Yellow Pirandello Six Characters in Search of an Author |
1922 |
Unemployment stands at 2 million: first of many 'hunger marches' organised by the NUWM throughout the 1920s and 1930s. Irish Civil War breaks out (ends 1923) Mussolini comes to power in Italy Radio broadcasting begins; British Broadcasting Company formed Frazer's The Golden Bough (one-volume abridged edn) Establishment of the USSR |
Galsworthy's The Forsyte Saga Mansfield's The Garden Party Richards' Principles of Literary Criticism |
Birth of daughter Maryvonne Jean Rhys meets the writer Ford Madox Ford who encourages her writing |
1923 | Matrimonial Causes Act (allows women to sue for divorce on same grounds as men, including adultery) |
Sitwell's Façade published Cummings' Tulips and Chimneys Huxley's Antic Hay Cane, Jean Toomer (Harlem Renaissance author) |
Jean Lenglet arrested for illegal entry into France and currency offences, then extradited to Holland Rhys and Ford start an affair |
1924 |
Paris Exhibition First Labour government in Britain under Ramsay MacDonald (January) Housing Act provides for subsidised public housing (generates over half a million new homes by 1932) Freud's The Ego and the Id Ramsay Macdonald forms first Labour government |
Ford publishes his novel Some Do Not, the first volume of his tetralogy Parade?s End First published story Vienne appears in Ford?s magazine the transatlantic review under the name Jean Rhys |
1925 | Pensions Act provides pensions at sixty-five |
Coward's Hay Fever Hemingway's In Our Time |
1926 |
General Strike Television first demonstrated by John Logie Baird; British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) established |
T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom | |
1927 |
Trade Disputes Act makes general strikes illegal Charles Lindbergh, first solo transatlantic flight German financial and economic crisis Rise of Stalin in USSR |
Graves and Riding's A Survey of Modernist Poetry | The Left Bank and Other Stories published. Ford Madox Ford writes the preface |
1928 |
Universal suffrage for men and women Minimum voting age for women in Britain reduced to twenty-one from thirty years Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin (fully exploited from 1940) First films with sound in Britain |
Blunden's Undertones of War Huxley's Point Counter Point Isherwood's All the Conspirators |
Quartet, her first novel published (also called Postures) |
1929 |
General election returns minority Labour government; Margaret Bondfield becomes first woman Cabinet member Wall Street Crash and start of international economic depression Margaret Bondfield becomes first woman Cabinet member |
Graves' Goodbye to All That Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms Priestley's The Good Companions Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front (film version, 1930) |
1930 |
Jet engine invented 11th May: Amy Johnson becomes the first woman to complete a solo flight from England to Australia The Great Depression Nazis begin rise to power in Germany Foundation of the Nation of Islam (black national separatist organisation) |
Blunden's Collected Poems Coward's Private Lives Faulkner's As I Lay Dying Maugham's Cakes and Ale |
After Leaving Mr Mackenzie published |
1931 | Woolf's The Waves | ||
1932 |
Hunger marches in Britain British Union of Fascists formed |
Huxley's Brave New World Eliot's Sweeney Agonistes |
Lives in London with her agent, Leslie Tilden-Smith Divorces Jean Lenglet Translates Barred by Edward de Neve. This was Lenglet's pen-name |
1933 | Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany |
Auden's The Dance of Death Orwell's Down and Out in London and Paris |
1934 |
British Union of Fascists addressed by Oswald Mosley Adolf Hitler becomes Führer |
John Masefield becomes Poet Laureate James' The Art of the Novel Pound's Make it New Priestley's English Journey |
Voyage in the Dark published Marries Leslie-Tilden Smith |
1935 |
Radar & nylon invented Italy invades Ethiopia |
Launch of first Penguin paperbacks | |
1936 |
Death of George V Accession, then abdication of Edward VIII Spanish Civil war begins Jarrow March of the unemployed Accession of George VI |
Huxley's Eyeless in Gaza Orwell's Keep the Aspidistra Flying Thomas' 25 Poems |
Visits the Caribbean including Martinique and Dominica. This is her only visit after leaving in 1907 |
1937 |
British policy of appeasement towards Italy and Germany Mass Observation Project starts |
Orwell's The Road to Wigan Pier Priestley's Time and the Conway's Woolf's The Years Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston |
1938 |
Munich agreement with Hitler Supreme Court rules Missouri must provide access to public schooling for blacks as well as whites |
Waugh's Scoop Day-Lewis' Overtures to a Death Greene's Brighton Rock |
1939 |
End of Spanish Civil War Start of the Second World War Evacuation of children from London |
Thomas' Twenty-Six Poems Eliot's The Family Reunion Isherwood's Goodbye to Berlin Joyce's Finnegan's wake Orwell's Coming up for Air Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath |
Good Morning, Midnight published |
1940 |
Churchill becomes Prime Minister Evacuation of British forces from Dunkirk Start of the Blitz |
Thomas' Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog Greene's The Power and the Glory |
At some point during the war, Lenglet is arrested and sent to a concentration camp During the war, Lenglet, and her daughter, remain in occupied Holland and take part in resistance activities 1940 - 45 Spends the war years in London and the South West of England |
1941 |
Japanese bomb Pearl Harbour USA declares war on Germany and Italy |
Coward's Blithe Spirit Eliot's Little Gidding |
1942 | US involvement in Second World War | ||
1944 |
D-Day Landings in Normandy Butler Education Act |
Eliot's Four Quartets | |
1945 |
Yalta Conference Death of Hitler USA drops nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan surrenders End of Second World War Clement Atlee becomes Labour Prime Minister |
Mitford's The Pursuit of Love Orwell's Animal Farm Waugh's Brideshead Revisited Priestley's An Inspector Calls |
Tilden-Smith dies At some point during the war, Jean Rhys burnt the typescript of 'Le Revenant', an early version of Wide Sargasso Sea |
1947 |
Independence of India and Pakistan The UK school leaving age is raised to 15 Princess Elizabeth – later Queen – marries the Duke of Edinburgh |
Compton-Burnett's Manservant and Maidservant The Diary of Anne Frank is published The Maids, Jean Genet All My Sons, Arthur Miller A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams |
Marries Max Hamer, a cousin of Tilden-Smith |
1948 |
British Citizenship Act gives Commonwealth citizens subject status Policy of apartheid started in South Africa State of Israel founded |
Waugh's Brideshead Revisited Leavis' The Great Tradition |
Around this time, Jean Rhys begins or returns to work on Wide Sargasso Sea |
1949 |
Orwell's 1984 Miller's Death of a Salesman The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir |
Selma Vaz Dias advertises for information on Jean Rhys Jean Rhys arrested for being drunk and disorderly and assaulting her neighbours. Spends a week in Holloway Prison for assessment |
1950 | Korean War begins |
Greene's The Third Man Lessing's The Grass is Singing |
1950-52 Max Hamer imprisoned for fraud. On his release, Jean Rhys and Hamer go to live in Cornwall |
1951 |
Festival of Britain Churchill becomes Conservative Prime Minister Spies Burgess and Maclean defect to USSR |
Larkin's Poems Manning's School for Love |
1952 |
George VI dies Accession of Elizabeth II Britain produces an atomic bomb |
Christie's The Mousetrap Rattigan's The Deep Blue Sea Thomas' Collected Poems |
On Hamer's release, Jean Rhys and he go to live in Cornwall |
1953 |
Death of Stalin Coronation of Elizabeth II Ascent of Everest |
Hartley's The Go-Between Fleming's Casino Royale Miller's The Crucible |
1954 |
End of post-war food rationing US Supreme Court declares racially segregated education is unconstitutional |
Amis' Lucky Jim Rattigan's Separate Tables Golding's Lord of the Flies Thomas' Under Milk Wood |
1955 | Rosa Parks, Civil Rights activist in USA, refuses to give up her seat on a bus | Beckett's Waiting for Godot | |
1956 |
Suez Crisis Russian invasion of Hungary Rosa Parks defies bus segregation in Montgomery Alabama |
Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings Osborne's Look Back in Anger Wilson's Anglo-Saxon Attitudes Beckett, Waiting for Godot |
1957 |
Wolfenden Report on Prostitution and Homosexuality Independence of Ghana Obscene Publications Act Martin Luther King elected President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference |
Larkin's A Girl in Winter Hughes' The Hawk in the Rain Murdoch's The Sandcastle MacInnes' City of Spades Naipaul's The Mystic Masseur Osborne's The Entertainer |
Rhys and Selma Vaz Dias adapt Good Morning Midnight for a radio broadcast Moves to Cheriton Fitzpaine in Devon |
1958 |
Notting Hill race riots Aden state of emergency CND founded |
Achebe's Things Fall Apart Pinter's The Birthday Party Delaney's A Taste of Honey Bates' The Darling Buds of May Murdoch's The Bell Silitoe's Saturday Night and Sunday Morning Betjeman's Collected Poems |
Jean Rhys signs a contract with the publisher Deutsch for Wide Sargasso Sea |
1959 |
First section of M1 motorway opened State of emergency in Kenya |
Wesker's Roots Lee's Cider with Rosie Braithwaite's To Sir with Love Waterhouse's Billy Liar Arden's Serjeant Musgrave's Dance Silitoe's The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner Raisin in the Sun, Lorraine Hansbury |
1960 |
John F. Kennedy wins US election CND demonstrations in Trafalgar Square Penguin wins the right to publish D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover |
Banks' The L Shaped Room Lessing's In Pursuit of the English Pinter's The Caretaker Barstow's A Kind of Loving Plath's The Colossus |
1961 |
Commonwealth Immigrants Act restricts right to settle in UK Structure of DNA discovered Building of Berlin Wall |
Osborne's Luther Waugh's Sword of Honour trilogy Spark's The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Naipaul's A House for Mr Biswas |
1962 |
End of national military service Jamaica, Trinidad and Uganda become independent from UK |
Burgess' A Clockwork Orange Al Alvarez (ed), The New Poetry Carson's Silent Spring Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? The Golden Notebook, Doris Lessing Albee, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? |
1963 |
US President John F. Kennedy assassinated Kenya becomes independent Martin Luther King makes his 'I have a dream' speech |
1960-1963 Wilson Harris publishes The Guyana Quartet Plath's The Bell Jar Theatre Workshop, Oh! What a Lovely War Dunn's Up the Junction |
1964 |
Beatles become popular Labour PM, Harold Wilson Harlem race riots in USA Martin Luther King awarded Nobel Peace Prize Nelson Mandela sentenced to life in prison US Congress passes the Civil Rights Act banning segregation |
Orton's Entertaining Mr Sloane Larkin's The Whitsun Weddings |
1965 |
Vietnam war escalates Abolition of the death penalty (UK) Rhodesia declares independence from UK Race riots across America |
Osborne's A Patriot for Me Pinter's The Homecoming Plath's Ariel Bond's Saved Manning's The Balkan Trilogy |
1966 |
England wins the World Cup Guyana becomes independent from UK Television drama Cathy Come Home highlights homelessness in UK In China, Mao Zedong launches his Cultural Revolution |
Orton's Loot Fowles' The Magus Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Jubilee, Margaret Walker The Concubine, Elechi Amadi |
Max Hamer dies. Wide Sargasso Sea published |
1967 |
Legalisation of abortion (UK) Homosexuality decriminalized (UK) First heart transplant Gough, Patten, Henri, The Mersey Sound |
Carter's The Magic Toyshop Dunn's Poor Cow |
1968 |
National Front formed (UK) Race Relations Bill declares race discrimination illegal in the UK Student uprising in Paris Martin Luther King assassinated USA passes Civil Rights Bill Enoch Powell makes 'Rivers of Blood' speech in Birmingham National Front formed (UK) |
Hines' A Kestrel for a Knave Bond's Early Morning End of theatre censorship in Britain When Rain Clouds Gather, Bessie Head |
Collected Short Stories: Tigers Are Better Looking published |
1969 |
'Winter of Discontent' Americans land on the moon Start of Northern Ireland ‘troubles’ |
Fowles, The French Lieutenant’s Woman Greene, Travels with my Aunt |
1970 |
Formation of Women’s Liberation Movement in UK Equal Pay Act, UK |
Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye Ted Hughes, Crow |
1971 |
Decimalisation of UK currency Anti Vietnam war demonstrations |
Bond's Lear | |
1972 |
Terrorist attack at Munich Olympic Games Equal Opportunity Act extends 'affirmative action' to colleges and universities in USA |
Drabble, The Needle’s Eye Stoppard, Jumpers |
1973 |
Abortion legalised in USA USA pulls out of Vietnam Britain enters EEC |
Alan Ayckbourn, The Norman Conquests Sula, Toni Morrison Martin Amis, The Rachel Papers Greene, The Honorary Consul |
1974 | President Richard Nixon resigns |
Larkin, High Windows Murdoch, The Sacred and Profane Love Machine |
1975 |
End of Vietnam war Sex Discrimination Bill (UK) North Sea oil comes on line |
Griffiths' Comedians Bradbury's The History Man Jhabvala's Heat and Dust Scott's The Raj Quartet Lodge's Changing Places Powell's A Dance to the Music of Time |
Three autobiographical pieces published in Vogue magazine |
1976 |
Notting Hill (race) riots Advent of punk rock UK Race Relations Act strengthens anti-discrimination laws |
Edgar's Destiny | Sleep It Off Lady (short stories) published |
1977 |
Queen Elizabeth II’s Silver Jubilee is celebrated Strikes by firefighters and riots against Far Right groups take place across the UK Public Works Employment Act - 10% of contractors to be from minorities First Virago Press publication First recognised AIDS death, New York |
Dennis Potter, Brimstone and Treacle Our Sister Killjoy, Ama Aidoo Stoppard, Professional Foul |
1978 | The first 'test tube' baby |
Murdoch's The Sea, The Sea Weldon's Praxis McEwan's The Cement Garden Hare's Plenty |
Jean Rhys awarded a CBE |
1979 |
Conservative party wins General Election (first female British Prime Minister) 'Winter of Discontent' Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran flees Iran with his family |
Churchill's Cloud Nine Naipaul's A Bend in the River |
Jean Rhys dies on May 14th Smile Please, a collection of autobiographical pieces is published after her death. |
The global war which lasted from 1939 – 1945
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