A-Z: General definitions
- Dactyl
- Dada
- Daedalus
- Daedalus and Icarus
- Dagon
- Damnation
- Danae
- Daniel
- Daniel O'Connell
- Dante
- Daphne
- Dark
- Dark Night (of the soul)
- Darkness
- David
- Day of Atonement
- Day of Judgement
- Day of the Lord
- De Profundis
- Deacon
- Deaconess
- Dead Sea
- Dean
- Death
- debate
- Deborah
- Decadents
- Decameron
- Declaration of Independence
- Declarative
- Decorum
- dedicate
- Definite article
- Defoe
- Degenerate
- Deified
- Deism
- Deist
- Deistic
- Deity
- Delilah
- Deliverance
- Delos
- Delphi
- Delphic Oracle
- Delphos
- Demeter
A-Z: General definitions: Dead Sea
Lake at the southern end of the Jordan valley. It derives its name from the very heavy deposits of salt in the water which allow no plant life.
The river Jordan flows from above Lake Tiberius (the Sea of Galilee) down to the Dead Sea. John the Baptist baptised Jesus in the river Jordan.
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