A-Z: General definitions
- I Am That I Am
- Iambic
- Iambic hexameter
- Iambic Pentameter
- Iambic Tetrameter
- Iambs
- Icaria
- Icarian Sea
- Icarus
- Icon
- Iconic
- Iconoclast
- Iconoclastic
- Iconography
- Ida, Mount
- Ideal Form
- Idealism
- Ideology
- Idiolect
- Idiom
- Idiomatic
- Idol
- Idolatry
- Idyll
- If thy right eye offend thee
- Ignatian
- Ignatius
- ignis-fatus
- Iliad
- Illusion
- Image
- Imagery
- Imagination
- Imaginative truth
- Imagist
- Immaculate Conception
- Immanent
- Immanuel Kant
- Immortal
- Immortality
- Imperative
- Imperative verb
- Improvisation theatre
- Impute
- In extremis
- Incantation
- Incantatory
- Incarnate
A-Z: General definitions: Idolatry
The worship of an idol. An idol, in the Bible, is: 1. An object of worship other than God. 2. Anything which usurps the place of God in the lives of human beings.
1. Doing homage and giving honour and respect, especially to God. Acts of devotion. Human response to the perceived presence of the divine.
2. The part of the Christian liturgy usually consisting of sung material and prayers of thanksgiving.
1. In the Bible, an object of worship other than God.
2. Anything which usurps the place of God in the lives of human beings.
The Bible describes God as the unique supreme being, creator and ruler of the universe.
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