A-Z: General definitions
- Naaman
- Naboth's Vineyard
- Naiads
- Nakedness
- Name
- Names of God
- Naomi
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Napoleonic Wars
- Narcissistic
- Narcissus
- Narnia
- Narration
- Narrative
- Narrative arc
- Narrative Verse
- Narrator
- Narrow path
- Nathan
- Nation of Islam
- National Insurance
- Nationalise
- Nationalism
- Nationalist
- Nativity
- Nativity hymn
- Nativity Plays
- Natural Religion
- Natural theology
- Naturalism
- Naturalistic
- Nature
- Nature (poet)
- Nave
- Naxos
- Nazareth
- Nazarite
- Nazi
- Nebuchadnezzar
- Necromancer
- Necromancy
- Nehemiah
- Nemean
- Nemesis
- Neo-classical
- Neo-classical tragedy
A-Z: General definitions: Nehemiah
Jewish cupbearer to Artaxerxes I, King of Persia, who obtained the king’s permission to go to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls destroyed when King Nebuchadnezzar captured the city. A practical man of action and of prayer, Nehemiah completed the work against much opposition.
Old Testament Book of the Bible: Nehemiah
1) In the Bible a member of the Hebrew race
2) Someone who belongs to the Jewish faith which believes in one God and the importance of Jewish Law.
The city on a hill (Mt. Zion) which King David captured and made the capital of Israel. It was the site of the Temple built by Solomon and of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Today it is still a holy city for Jews, Christians and Muslims.
The King of Babylon 602-562 BCE who took the Israelites into captivity.
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