A-Z: General definitions
- T.S. Eliot
- Tabernacle
- Tablets of the Law
- Taboo
- Tale
- Talisman
- Talmud
- Tantalus
- Tarquinius Superbus
- Tartarus
- Tautology
- Tax-collector
- Te Deum
- Teachers of the law
- Technical lexis
- Teiresias
- Telemachus
- Temperament
- Temperance
- Templar
- Temple
- Temple of Vesta
- Tempo Rubato
- Temporal
- Tempt
- Temptation
- Tempter
- Ten Commandments
- Tense
- Tent of Meeting
- Tercet
- Terence
- Tertullian
- Terza Rima
A-Z: General definitions: Tempo Rubato
Italian 'robbed time'. Musical term describing the slowing-down or speeding-up of a piece for the sake of expressions.
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