A-Z: General definitions
- Labour of Love
- Labour Party
- Labyrinth
- Laconic
- Ladder
- Ladon
- Lady Day
- Laity
- Laius
- Lamb
- Lamb of God
- Lamech
- Lament
- Lammas
- Lamp
- Lampoon
- Land flowing with milk and honey
- Laodicea
- Lapiths
- Larceny
- Lassitude
- Last Day
- Last Judgement
- Last Plays
- Last Rites
- Last shall be first
- Last Supper
- Last Trump
- Latin
- Latinate
- Latitudinarian
- Latium
- Laura
- Laurel wreath
- Law
- Lay
- Lay person
- Lay preacher
- Lay Reader
- Laying on of hands
- Lazarus
- League of Nations
- Leah
- Least
- Leaven
- Lechery
A-Z: General definitions: Latitudinarian
The older name for that branch of the Church of England that adopted liberal or modernist views. See Broad Church.
The 'Established' or state church of England, the result of a break with the Catholic church under Henry VIII and further developments in the reign of Elizabeth I.
In the nineteenth century, the term given to that section of the Church of England that did not insist on a rigid adherence to belief and practice as laid down in the Book of Common Prayer.
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