A-Z: General definitions
- Labour of Love
- Labour Party
- Labyrinth
- Laconic
- Ladder
- Ladon
- Lady Day
- Laity
- Laius
- Lamb
- Lamb of God
- Lamech
- Lament
- Lammas
- Lamp
- Lampoon
- Land flowing with milk and honey
- Laodicea
- Lapiths
- Larceny
- Lassitude
- Last Day
- Last Judgement
- Last Plays
- Last Rites
- Last shall be first
- Last Supper
- Last Trump
- Latin
- Latinate
- Latitudinarian
- Latium
- Laura
- Laurel wreath
- Law
- Lay
- Lay person
- Lay preacher
- Lay Reader
- Laying on of hands
- Lazarus
- League of Nations
- Leah
- Least
- Leaven
- Lechery
A-Z: General definitions: Lay Reader
A non-ordained person in the Anglican Church who has been trained and licenced by the church to preach, teach and perform other duties as required by the parish.
Greek: 'laos,' ordinary peopleThe Anglican church is the 'Established' or state church of England, the result of a break with the Catholic church under Henry VIII and further developments in the reign of Elizabeth I.
1. Term for a worshipping community of Christians.
2. The building in which Christians traditionally meet for worship.
3. The worldwide community of Christian believers.
Area with its own church, served by a priest who has the spiritual care of all those living within it.
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