A-Z: General definitions
- Sabbath
- Sackcloth
- Sacrament
- Sacred
- Sacred Heart
- Sacrifice
- Sacrifice of Isaac
- Sacrificial
- sacrilegious
- Sacrosanct
- Sadducees
- Sage
- Saint
- Salome
- Salt
- Salubrious
- Salvation
- Salvationist
- Samaria
- Samaritan
- Samson
- Samuel
- Samuel Johnson
- Samuel Pepys
- Samuel Richardson
- Sanctification
- Sanctified
- Sanctuarize
- Sanctuary
A-Z: General definitions: Sadducees
A minority traditionalist group in first century Judaism who appear in encounters with Jesus in the Gospels. They rejected the idea of resurrection.
The practice of the Jewish faith.
The name given to the man believed by Christians to be the Son of God. Also given the title Christ, meaning 'anointed one' or Messiah. His life is recorded most fully in the Four Gospels.
Gospel - Literally 'good news' - used of the message preached by Jesus recorded in the New Testament.
1. The central message of the Christian faith
2. Title given to the four New Testament books which describe the life of Jesus Christ
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