A-Z: General definitions
- Aegisthus
- Aelfric
- Aelred
- Aeneas
- Aeneid
- Aeolus
- Aerope
- Aeschylus
- Aesop
- Aesthetic
- Afterlife
- Agamemnon
- Agape
- Agave
- Age of Reason
- Agit-prop
- Agnostic
- Agnosticism
- Agnus Dei
- Agrarian
- Ahab
- Ahasuerus
- Ahaz
- Aisle
- Ajax
- Alb
- Alba Longa
- Albino
- Alchemical
- Alchemist
- Alchemy
- Alcmene
- Alcuin
- Aldhelm
- Alexander Pope
- Alexander the Great
- Alexandrine
- Alfred the Great
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson
- All Saints' Day
- Allah
- Allegorised
- Allegory
- Allies
- Alliteration
- Alliterative verse
- Allude
- Allusion
- Allusive
- Alms
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A-Z: General definitions: Allegorised
Whereby a teaching point or moral is portrayed through an allegory.
A non-realistic genre of literature whereby characters or episodes systematically represent a certain belief system. Interpretation of allegory can involve two or more levels of meaning.
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