A-Z: General definitions
- Carib
- Caricature
- Carl Jung
- Carmelites
- Carol
- Carpe diem
- Carthage
- Carthusian
- Casement
- Cassandra
- Cassiopeia
- Cassock
- Castor
- Casualties
- Catacombs
- Catalectic
- Catalyst
- Cataphoric
- Catastrophe
- Catechised
- Catechism
- Catechumens
- catharsis
- Cathedral
- Catholic
- Catholic church
- Catholic confessional
- Catholicism
- Caucasus
- Cavalier
- Cavalier poet
- Celestial
- Celibate
- Cell
- Celtic
- Celtic church
- Celtic revival
- Censer
- Centaur
- Centaurs
- Cepheus
- Cerberus
- Ceres
- Cervantes
- Ceryneian
- Chaff
- Chain of Being
- Chalice
- Chance
- Chancel
A-Z: General definitions: Celtic church
The Church which existed in the British Isles before the coming of the missionaries from Rome in 597 AD. Celtic missionaries from Ireland played an important role in bringing Christianity to the pagan Anglo-Saxons, particularly in the North of England. The Celtic Church was characterised by austere monastic life and the encouragement of scholarship.
1. Term for a worshipping community of Christians.
2. The building in which Christians traditionally meet for worship.
3. The worldwide community of Christian believers.
The beliefs, doctrines and practices of Christians.
Term applied to those who are not Christian, particularly followers of the classical religion of Greece and Rome and of the pre-Christian religions of Europe.
Term used to describe the Germanic tribes who settled in England from the mid fifth century onwards; also used of their history, culture and language until the Norman Conquest in 1066.
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