A-Z: General definitions
- Sabbath
- Sackcloth
- Sacrament
- Sacred
- Sacred Heart
- Sacrifice
- Sacrifice of Isaac
- Sacrificial
- sacrilegious
- Sacrosanct
- Sadducees
- Sage
- Saint
- Salome
- Salt
- Salubrious
- Salvation
- Salvationist
- Samaria
- Samaritan
- Samson
- Samuel
- Samuel Johnson
- Samuel Pepys
- Samuel Richardson
- Sanctification
- Sanctified
- Sanctuarize
- Sanctuary
A-Z: General definitions: Sanctification
The setting apart of a person or thing for God. In the New Testament, the process by which the lives of individuals are transformed through the work of the Holy Spirit.The Bible describes God as the unique supreme being, creator and ruler of the universe.
A 'testament' is a covenant (binding agreement), a term used in the Bible of God's relationship with his people. The New Testament is the second part of the Christian Bible. Its name comes from the new covenant or relationship with God.
The third person of the Trinity (God in three persons). Came upon the disciples at Pentecost after Jesus had ascended in to heaven.
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