
Lucentio the lover

Lucentio is an ardent young man, full of dreams untempered by much experience. The son of a gentleman whose good reputation is known to others, he arrives on stage as a self-professed lover of the arts. Unlike Petruchio who is realistically in search of a rich wife, the finely dressed Lucentio lives off his father’s wealth and is drawn to Padua by the prospect of learning and knowledge. However, he quickly forgets his intention to study once he sees Bianca and falls in love at first sight. Like the stereotypical romantic lover (Gli inamorati) from the Commedia dell'Arte, Lucentio falls in love swiftly and without knowing anything about Bianca other than her appearance. 
Tranio, I burn, I pine, I perish, Tranio,

If I achieve not this young modest girl.
Act 1 Scene 1     

Lucentio the schemer

Like Bianca, Lucentio pays lip-service in honouring Baptista yet he makes elaborate schemes to deceive him and circumvent his authority in order to woo Bianca. It is as if he is playing a good game. He is led by Tranio’s schemes and they both expend significant effort in maintaining their deception before the untimely appearance of the real Vincentio exposes their disguises. 
His apology to both his father and to Baptista illuminates the deception practised in the name of love:
Here's Lucentio,

Right son to the right Vincentio;

That have by marriage made thy daughter mine,

While counterfeit supposes bleared thine eyne.
Act 5 Scene 1     
It is tempered with the excuse that ‘love wrought these miracles’ and the resolution of the confusion he had caused is ascribed to the power of love. Like Bianca who winds Baptista around her finger, Lucentio’s honeyed words assume that his father will readily forgive: ‘pardon him, sweet father, for my sake’ (Act 5 Scene 2).

Lucentio’s ‘success’

At the end of the play, Lucentio is congratulated by all on his marriage to Bianca and it seems that he will easily win the wager Petruchio has set. Even his father-in-law backs his bet that Bianca will come when he calls for her. The shock when Bianca refuses his appeal renders him speechless. His only further comment is the concerned reflection that it is ‘a harsh hearing, when women are forward.’ Lucentio’s romanticism is at last confronted with reality. Petruchio alludes to Lucentio’s success/failure when he puns on Bianca’s name to say:
'Twas I won the wager, though you hit the white;

And, being a winner, God give you good night!
Act 5 Scene 2     
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