A-Z: General definitions
- Paean
- Paeon
- Pagan
- Pagan gods
- Paganism
- Palatine Hill
- Palestine
- Palimpsest
- Palindrome
- Pall
- Palliate
- Palm Sunday
- Palmer
- Pamphlet
- Pan
- Pandemonium
- Pander
- Pandora
- Panentheism
- Panentheistic
- Pantalone
- Pantheist
- Pantheon
- Pantomime
- Papacy
- Papal
- Papal bull
- Paphos
- Parable
- Parade
- Paradise
- Paradise Lost
- Paradox
- Parallelism
- Paraphrase
- Pararhyme
- Pard
- Pardon
- Pardoner
- Parenthesis
- Paris
- Parish
- Parish Church
- Parish priest
- Parishes
- Parishioner
A-Z: General definitions: Pantalone
A stock character of the Commedia dell'Arte. Pantalone ‘the master’ was a wealthy, miserly old man, who was always being cuckolded. In many storylines, his aim was to control his daughter and protect his money from thieving servants, but he was always thwarted.
Commedia dell'Arte all'improvviso originated in medieval Italy and features a touring company of actors improvising around stock plot-lines, using stereotypical characters, into which topical references are added.
a man whose wife has been unfaithful to him
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