A-Z: General definitions
- Ubi Sunt?
- Ulster
- Ulysses
- Unclean
- Unction
- Underground railroad
- Underworld
- Unequally Yoked
- Unfrock
- Unionist
- Unitarian
- United Nations
- Unities
- Universalism
- Unknown God
- Unleavened bread
- Unpardonable Sin
- Unregenerate
- Unreliable Narrator
- Unrepentant
- Unrighteousness
- Upright
- Uranus
- Uriah
- Urim and Thummin
- Usury
- Utilitarian
- Utilitarianism
- Utopia
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A-Z: General definitions: Unfrock
To take away the right of a priest to serve in the church.
A person whose role is to carry out religious functions.
1. Term for a worshipping community of Christians.
2. The building in which Christians traditionally meet for worship.
3. The worldwide community of Christian believers.
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