A-Z: General definitions
- Ubi Sunt?
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- Uranus
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A-Z: General definitions: Uranus
The father of many children, with Gaia. Seen as the personification of the sky. (Roman name, Caelus.)
Related Topics
Gaia; The Furies; Titans; Cronos
The Earth and the original goddess of the Earth, said to be the first goddess born.
The father of many children, with Gaia. Seen as the personification of the sky. (Greek name, Uranus.)
The Earth and the original goddess of the Earth, said to be the first goddess born.
They were goddesses of retribution, who avenged murder and other violent crimes, especially within families.
The twelve Titans were gods who were overthrown by Zeus, the son of Cronos, king of the Titans.
One of the Titans. Father of Zeus. (Roman name, Saturn.)
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