A-Z: General definitions
- Baal
- Babel
- Babylon
- Bacchae
- Bacchanalian
- Bacchantes
- Bacchus
- Back projection
- backslide
- Bakelite
- Balaam
- Baldwin
- Ballad
- Ballad metre
- Banns
- Banquet
- Baptise
- Baptism
- Baptism of Fire
- Baptist Church
- Baptistery
- Bar mitzvah
- Barabbas
- Bard
- Barnabas
- Baroque
- Barren
- Bartimeus
- Basilica
- Bastille
- Bathetic
- Bathos
- Bathsheba
- Battle of the Boyne
- Battle of the Somme
- Battle of Trafalgar
- Bawd
- Bayonet
- Beadle
- Beadsman
- Beast
- Beatific Vision
- Beatified
- Beatitudes
- Beatles
- Bede
- Bedlam
- Beelzebub
- Behemoth
- Belial
A-Z: General definitions: Beadsman
a person who receives alms; a person who prays for another (using the beads of the rosary as an aid to prayer.
Charitable giving to the poor.
1. A form of prayer involving repeated recitation of the Ave Maria, the Lord's Prayer and the Gloria.
2. A string of beads used to help in the saying of the Rosary.
Communication, either aloud or in the heart, with God.
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