A-Z: General definitions
- 39 Articles
- a Calvary
- Aaron
- Aaron's Rod
- Abaddon
- Abbess
- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abdication
- Abel
- Abolition
- Abolitionism
- Abolitionist
- Abomination of desolation
- Abraham
- Abraham Lincoln
- Absalom
- Absolution
- Absolve
- Abstinence
- Abstruse
- Absurdist
- Abyss
- Academy
- Accent
- Achan
- Acheron
- Achilles
- Acolyte
- Acoustic
- Acoustics
- Act
- Act of Union
- Actaeon
- Active Life
- Active verb
- Active Voice
- Acts
- Adam
- Adjective
- Adjectives - comparatives and superlatives
- Adjectives - predicative position
- Adolf Hitler
- Adonian
- Adonis
- Adultery
- Advent
- Adverb
- Adverbs - temporal adverbs
- Aegeus
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A-Z: General definitions: Consubstantiation
A theological doctrine concerned with the nature of the bread and the wine during Holy Communion. The belief is that the substance of the body and blood of Christ are present alongside the physical substance of the bread and wine. The belief is often attributed to Lutherans. It differs from the doctrine of transubstantiation.
The teaching on the beliefs of a religion, usually taught by theologians or teachers appointed by their church.
The central act of Christian worship in which bread and wine are consumed in the way that Jesus demonstrated at the Last Supper before his betrayal and death.
Title (eventually used as name) given to Jesus, refering to an anointed person set apart for a special task such as a king.
A Lutheran is someone who follows the religious beliefs of Martin Luther, a 16BCE monk and religious scholar and writer. The Lutheran church is represented worldwide.
The conversion of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ which is believed by some Christians to occur in the Eucharist or Mass.
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