A-Z: General definitions
- 39 Articles
- a Calvary
- Aaron
- Aaron's Rod
- Abaddon
- Abbess
- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abdication
- Abel
- Abolition
- Abolitionism
- Abolitionist
- Abomination of desolation
- Abraham
- Abraham Lincoln
- Absalom
- Absolution
- Absolve
- Abstinence
- Abstruse
- Absurdist
- Abyss
- Academy
- Accent
- Achan
- Acheron
- Achilles
- Acolyte
- Acoustic
- Acoustics
- Act
- Act of Union
- Actaeon
- Active Life
- Active verb
- Active Voice
- Acts
- Adam
- Adjective
- Adjectives - comparatives and superlatives
- Adjectives - predicative position
- Adolf Hitler
- Adonian
- Adonis
- Adultery
- Advent
- Adverb
- Adverbs - temporal adverbs
- Aegeus
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A-Z: General definitions: Holy orders
religious institutions, to which those who have dedicated their lives to religion belong. Priests, monks, friars and nuns are said to ‘be in holy orders’.
There were seven grades of orders in the medieval church:
Major orders (of whom celibacy was required): priests, deacons and sub-deacons.
Minor orders: acolytes (who assisted at Mass), exorcists, lectors (readers), doorkeepers.
A particular system of belief, faith and worship ' for example, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism.
A person whose role is to carry out religious functions.
Member of male religious community.
A man belonging to a Christian religious group who, instead of living within an enclosed religious house, travelled round teaching the Christian faith, and sustaining himself by begging for charity.
A woman who has chosen to enter a religious order for women, and taken the appropriate vows.
A person whose role is to carry out religious functions.
Male assistant ministers / helpers, originally with an administrative role.
The central religious service of the Roman Catholic Church, incorporating praise, intercession and readings from scripture. The central action is the consecration of the bread and wine by the priest.
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