A-Z: General definitions
- Paean
- Paeon
- Pagan
- Pagan gods
- Paganism
- Palatine Hill
- Palestine
- Palimpsest
- Palindrome
- Pall
- Palliate
- Palm Sunday
- Palmer
- Pamphlet
- Pan
- Pandemonium
- Pander
- Pandora
- Panentheism
- Panentheistic
- Pantalone
- Pantheist
- Pantheon
- Pantomime
- Papacy
- Papal
- Papal bull
- Paphos
- Parable
- Parade
- Paradise
- Paradise Lost
- Paradox
- Parallelism
- Paraphrase
- Pararhyme
- Pard
- Pardon
- Pardoner
- Parenthesis
- Paris
- Parish
- Parish Church
- Parish priest
- Parishes
- Parishioner
A-Z: General definitions: Pardon
Forgiveness for a wrong that someone has committed and usually the cessation of punishment. In the medieval Catholic Church the practice arose of purchasing indulgences in order to receive a pardon.
Belonging to the Middle Ages.
1. All Christians worldwide.
2. The Church in the West until the Reformation.
3. The Roman Catholic Church.
The practice in the medieval Christian Church of issuing pardons, in return for acts of giving or pilgrimage to holy places, which were believed to reduce part of the punishment which individuals would have been due to suffer in Purgatory.
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