A-Z: Books of the Bible
- 1 Chronicles
- 1 Corinthians
- 1 John
- 1 Kings
- 1 Peter
- 1 Samuel
- 1 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Chronicles
- 2 Corinthians
- 2 John
- 2 Kings
- 2 Peter
- 2 Samuel
- 2 Thessalonians
- 2 Timothy
- 3 John
- Acts
- Amos
- Colossians
- Daniel
- Deuteronomy
- Ecclesiastes
- Ephesians
- Esther
- Exodus
- Ezekiel
- Ezra
- Galatians
- Genesis
- Habakkuk
- Haggai
- Hebrews
- Hosea
- Isaiah
- James
- Jeremiah
- Job
- Joel
- John
- Jonah
- Joshua
- Jude
- Judges
- Lamentations
- Leviticus
- Luke
- Malachi
- Mark
- Matthew
A-Z: Books of the Bible: Revelation
Apocalyptic literatureDescription
This is an example of apocalyptic literature, full of colourful imagery and symbolism. It contains seven letters to churches in Asia Minor (modern Turkey) who are commended for their zeal or criticised for lack of it. The overall message is that kingdom of God will triumph in the battle against evil and the book ends with a beautiful description of the Heavenly Jerusalem as the symbol of God's presence among humankind in a new heaven and earth.
Big ideas: Judgement; Dreams, visions and prophecy; Serpent, devil, Satan, beast; Apocalypse, Revelation, the End Times, the Second Coming
A revelation or 'unveiling' of future events; the heavenly world in a highly symbolic form.
1. Imitation, copy, likeness, statue, picture in literature, art or imagination.
2. A figure of speech in which a person or object or happening is described in terms of some other person, object or action (i.e. as a metaphor or simile)
Something which represents something else through an association of ideas.
1. Term for a worshipping community of Christians.
2. The building in which Christians traditionally meet for worship.
3. The worldwide community of Christian believers.
Modern-day Turkey. Much of Paul’s missionary work took place in this region.
Kingdom of God (also called the Kingdom of Heaven). The central theme in the teaching of Jesus. Refers to God's rule and power at work among people who accept his authority in their lives.
The opposite of goodness; thoughts and actions which are in opposition to God's will and result in wrongdoing and harm. That which opposes God.
The New Jerusalem, also called the Heavenly Jerusalem. According to the Book of Revelation the destination of those who have chosen to be pilgrims on earth and citizens of heaven, a city free from pain and death.
The Bible describes God as the unique supreme being, creator and ruler of the universe.
Renewed creation where God will live with humankind, seen in a vision by John recorded in the book of Revelation.
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