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The Wooden O
The Globe Theatre
Henry VII
Anne Boleyn
Edward VI by Hans Holbein the Younger
The Book of Common Prayer published 1549
Mary I by Anthonis Mor
The Prince by Machiavelli
Martin Luther
Wittenberg All Saints' Church. The "Theses Doors"
Everyman fighting with Death
Ghost of Hamlet's father
Claudius and Gertrude 1911
Photo from Deucsche Fotothek
Ophelia and Laertes
Crown of thorns
Hamlet sees the ghost of his father
The ceremony of Last Rites
Eve being tempted by the serpent
Sacrament of extreme unction
Fetters. Photo by Andr� Karwath available through Creative Commons
Hamlet with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Hamlet reading whilst talking to Polonius
Hamlet and Ophelia
Claudius leaving during the Mousetrap
Claudius tries to repent, Hamlet choses not to kill him
Cain killing Abel
Hamlet lifts the curtain to discover Polonius' dead body
Statue of a Cherub photo by Luis Garc�a available through Creative Commons
Ophelia giving flowers to Claudius and Gertrude
Ophelia drowned
Hamlet is given the skull of Yorick
A duel with swords
Claudius addressing the court
Hample thinking, played by Edwin Booth
Hamlet and Gertrude
Polonius telling Ophelia to remain chaste
Ophelia and her gifts of flowers
Ophelia drowned
Claudius and Gertrude at court
Laertes and Ophelia
Laertes and Hamlet dying
Hamlet and Horatio see the Ghost
Hamlet with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Souls being freed from purgatory
Saying grace before a meal
Photo by Leland Francisco
The Book of Common Prayer
Photo by Jonathunder available through Creative Commons
Moses and the Ten Commandments
Photo by The High Fin Sperm Whale available through Creative Commons
Yorik's grave
My Eden by Hans Doller, available through Creative Commons
Adam and Evie
Cain murders Abel
Elizabeth I
Bird trap
Title page of the First Folio
The Death of Ophelia