Volume 2, Chapter 7 / 19

Synopsis of Volume 2, Chapter 7 / 19

While Mr. Elliot is determining whether Anne or Mrs. Clay should have a dry journey home in Lady Darymple's barouche, Anne sees Captain Wentworth, which affects her emotions. Wentworth comes inside with a group of acquaintances and is visibly embarrassed to see her. They talk awkwardly. Elizabeth refuses to acknowledge him. The carriage arrives and Anne declines the Captain's offer of his umbrella, telling him that she is waiting for Mr. Elliot.

Wentworth notices Mr. Elliot's familiarity toward Anne and, after their departure, others discuss the obvious attraction. Meanwhile, Anne's feelings are so stirred up that she cannot pay attention to Mr. Elliot's conversation on the way home.

Seeing Wentworth again the following day, Anne wonders how Lady Russell will respond. However, she either doesn't see him or pretends not to.

Anxious to keep seeing him, Anne postpones a visit with Mrs. Smith because it conflicts with a concert where she is sure she will see the Captain.

Commentary on Volume 2, Chapter 7 / 19

Barouchebarouche An elegant and fashionable four-wheeled carriage designed for four people, with a collapsible hood.

her civility rendered her quite as anxious to be left to walk with Mr. Elliot Now that Mrs. Clay's interest in Mr. Elliot has been hinted at, the reader is aware there is probably more to her wish to be left alone with him than civility.

descried Caught sight of.

Her start was perceptible only to herself Anne is once again successful at mastering her feelings, so that they aren't visible to others.

She would go, one half of her … wiser than the other half … suspecting the other of being worse than it was Anne suspects herself of an ulterior, more feeling-driven motive to go outside rather than just the reasonable query about the weather.

She felt that she was betraying the least sensibility of the two Anne realises that she is now better at masking her feelings than Captain Wentworth, which is a shift from their previous encounters.

look of his own arch significance A pointedly significant look.

a chair A sedan chair was an enclosed chair carried on poles by two men, one at the front and one at the back.

But just now, she could only think of Captain Wentworth Anne has Mr. Elliot at her side, but she has only Captain Wentworth on her mind. There is no doubt which man she prefers.

for her own countenance she knew was unfit to be seen Anne imagines that her inner turmoil shows.

in pity or disdain, either at her friend or at herself If Lady Russell had truly not seen the Captain, Anne pities and disdains herself for being so anxious for nothing. If Lady Russell is pretending not to see him, Anne disdains her for her lack of honesty and pities her.

the rooms The Assembly Rooms.

the elegant stupidity of private parties Anne feels the pointlessness of the parties keenly since they hold no hope of seeing Captain Wentworth.

Investigating Volume 2, Chapter 7 / 19
  • Make a list of the incidences when Anne struggles to get her feelings under control before they affect her countenance.
    • Why do you think Jane Austen refers to this so much?
  • Captain Wentworth's feelings are closer to the surface than they have been previously. What do you think accounts for this?
  • Despite Mr. Elliot's professed dislike for Mrs. Clay in the previous chapter, he is still willing to run errands for her. In what ways does the interaction over who will ride in the barouche contribute to the development of the sub-plot? 
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