A-Z: General definitions
- C.S. Lewis
- Cadence
- Cadmus
- Caedmon
- Caelus
- Caesura
- Café church
- Caiaphas
- Cain
- Calchas
- Caligula
- Called up
- Calling
- Calumny
- Calvary
- Calvin
- Calvinism
- Calvinist
- Camaraderie
- Cambridge
- Cambridge University
- Camel
- Camelot
- Can-can
- Cana
- Canaan
- Canaanites
- Candlemas
- Candles
- Canon
- Canon Law
- Canon of Scripture
- Canon of the Mass
- Canonical
- Canonisation
- Canonise
- Canonised
- Canonization
- Canons Regular
- Canterbury
- Canterbury Pilgrim
- Canticle
- Canto
- Cantor
- Capitalism
- Capitalist
- Capuchin
- Cardinal
- Cardinal virtue
A-Z: General definitions: Café church
A modern model of church, usually attended by those seeking a contemporary form of worship. The church may meet in a coffee shop or configure their own layout in a café style. The focus is often on the relational and community aspects of church life.
1. Term for a worshipping community of Christians.
2. The building in which Christians traditionally meet for worship.
3. The worldwide community of Christian believers.
1. Doing homage and giving honour and respect, especially to God. Acts of devotion. Human response to the perceived presence of the divine.
2. The part of the Christian liturgy usually consisting of sung material and prayers of thanksgiving.
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