A-Z: General definitions
- C.S. Lewis
- Cadence
- Cadmus
- Caedmon
- Caelus
- Caesura
- Café church
- Caiaphas
- Cain
- Calchas
- Caligula
- Called up
- Calling
- Calumny
- Calvary
- Calvin
- Calvinism
- Calvinist
- Camaraderie
- Cambridge
- Cambridge University
- Camel
- Camelot
- Can-can
- Cana
- Canaan
- Canaanites
- Candlemas
- Candles
- Canon
- Canon Law
- Canon of Scripture
- Canon of the Mass
- Canonical
- Canonisation
- Canonise
- Canonised
- Canonization
- Canons Regular
- Canterbury
- Canterbury Pilgrim
- Canticle
- Canto
- Cantor
- Capitalism
- Capitalist
- Capuchin
- Cardinal
- Cardinal virtue
A-Z: General definitions: Canons Regular
This movement emerged in the mid-11C as part of an attempt to encourage secular clergy to move closer to a monastic way of life in imitation of that attributed to the Apostles (the vita apostolica). Vital in this process was the rediscovery of the Rule of St Augustine. Groups which followed this Rule included the Augustinian Canons (Black Canons), the Prémonstratensians (White Canons) and the Gilbertines.
Of or in the world.
1. Used in Christian thought to mean belonging to the world as distinguished from the church and religion.
2. Used to describe clergy such as parish priests who live among their parishioners.
The monastic movement consists of communities of monks. Communal life was built around prayer, the opus dei or work of God.
The twelve disciples chosen and commissioned by Jesus to share his mission.
Code of behaviour for a religious community.
Bishop in North Africa who wrote a huge volume of literature, including many influential theological works
1. Augustinian friars: a group of Christians who lived according to the 'Rule' (way of life) attributed to St Augustine.
2. Augustinian canons (also known as Black Canons): priests who lived together in communities following the Rule of St Augustine
A member of the order of canons or nuns founded at Prémontre in France in 1120.
A religious order founded by Gilbert of Sempringham in 1130, following the Rule of St Augustine.
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