A-Z: General definitions
- C.S. Lewis
- Cadence
- Cadmus
- Caedmon
- Caelus
- Caesura
- Café church
- Caiaphas
- Cain
- Calchas
- Caligula
- Called up
- Calling
- Calumny
- Calvary
- Calvin
- Calvinism
- Calvinist
- Camaraderie
- Cambridge
- Cambridge University
- Camel
- Camelot
- Can-can
- Cana
- Canaan
- Canaanites
- Candlemas
- Candles
- Canon
- Canon Law
- Canon of Scripture
- Canon of the Mass
- Canonical
- Canonisation
- Canonise
- Canonised
- Canonization
- Canons Regular
- Canterbury
- Canterbury Pilgrim
- Canticle
- Canto
- Cantor
- Capitalism
- Capitalist
- Capuchin
- Cardinal
- Cardinal virtue
A-Z: General definitions: Camaraderie
A French word to describe close friendship or comradeship in a group of people or team. The term is used for the strength of feeling the men had for each other in the First World War, particularly noticeable on the front line.
World War I, also know as the First World War and the Great War, was a global conflict from 1914 – 1918, centred in Europe, involving all the world’s major economic powers in two opposing alliances.
The forward position when the troops were nearest to the enemy.
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