A-Z: General definitions
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- Aaron
- Aaron's Rod
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- Abolitionist
- Abomination of desolation
- Abraham
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- Abyss
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- Acts
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A-Z: General definitions: Augustinian
1. Augustinian friars: a group of Christians who lived according to the 'Rule' (way of life) attributed to St Augustine. Came to England in the second half of the 13C. They renounced the ownership of property and were committed to supporting lay Christians in the everyday world, through preaching and service. They wore a black habit with white scapular (short cloak). 2. Augustinian canons (also known as Black Canons): priests who lived together in communities following the Rule of St Augustine.
A man belonging to a Christian religious group who, instead of living within an enclosed religious house, travelled round teaching the Christian faith, and sustaining himself by begging for charity.
Name originally given to disciples of Jesus by outsiders and gradually adopted by the Early Church.
Name originally given to disciples of Jesus by outsiders and gradually adopted by the Early Church.
Name for the clothes worn by people living in traditional religious orders, such as monks, nuns and friars. Colours are normally white, brown or black.
1. The list of books which the Christian church accepts as inspired by God and authoritative.
2. Priest who is part of a group of clergy attached to a cathedral.
3. A set of rules governing how a church is to be run and what its beliefs are.
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