A-Z: General definitions
- F R Leavis
- Fable
- Fabliau
- Faith
- Faith without Works
- Faithful
- Fall
- Fall of Humankind
- Fall of the angels
- Fallacy
- Fallen angel
- Fallen humanity
- Falling action
- Familiar
- Farce
- Farcical
- Fascism
- Fascist
- Fasting
- Fat of the land
- Fatalism
- Fate
- Father
- Father of the Church
- Father, forgive them '
- Father-confessor
- Faun
- Faunus
- Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom
- Feet
- Feet of Clay
- Felicity
- Felix Culpa
- Fellowship
- Feminine ending
- Feminine Rhyme
- Feminism
- Femme Fatale
- Festival
- Feudal
- Fiction
- Fictions
- Field Marshal
- Field of Blood
- Fielding
- Fiend
- Fiery furnace
- Fig Leaves
- Fig-tree
- Figurative
A-Z: General definitions: Fatalism
The belief that life is already mapped out by outside forces and no personal decision can change the course of the future. It usually tends towards pessimism. See Fate; Destiny.
The belief that something will turn out for the worst rather than the better.
What is destined to happen to someone. In Greek mythology, the powers of Fate were often depicted as three women who decided on each individual's destiny and life-span.
A direction given to life by some outside or inner force or power. It differs from Fate by being positive and purposeful.
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