A-Z: General definitions
- F R Leavis
- Fable
- Fabliau
- Faith
- Faith without Works
- Faithful
- Fall
- Fall of Humankind
- Fall of the angels
- Fallacy
- Fallen angel
- Fallen humanity
- Falling action
- Familiar
- Farce
- Farcical
- Fascism
- Fascist
- Fasting
- Fat of the land
- Fatalism
- Fate
- Father
- Father of the Church
- Father, forgive them '
- Father-confessor
- Faun
- Faunus
- Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom
- Feet
- Feet of Clay
- Felicity
- Felix Culpa
- Fellowship
- Feminine ending
- Feminine Rhyme
- Feminism
- Femme Fatale
- Festival
- Feudal
- Fiction
- Fictions
- Field Marshal
- Field of Blood
- Fielding
- Fiend
- Fiery furnace
- Fig Leaves
- Fig-tree
- Figurative
A-Z: General definitions: Feminine ending
An extra unstressed syllable at the end of a line of verse.Recently Viewed
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