A-Z: General definitions
- 39 Articles
- a Calvary
- Aaron
- Aaron's Rod
- Abaddon
- Abbess
- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abdication
- Abel
- Abolition
- Abolitionism
- Abolitionist
- Abomination of desolation
- Abraham
- Abraham Lincoln
- Absalom
- Absolution
- Absolve
- Abstinence
- Abstruse
- Absurdist
- Abyss
- Academy
- Accent
- Achan
- Acheron
- Achilles
- Acolyte
- Acoustic
- Acoustics
- Act
- Act of Union
- Actaeon
- Active Life
- Active verb
- Active Voice
- Acts
- Adam
- Adjective
- Adjectives - comparatives and superlatives
- Adjectives - predicative position
- Adolf Hitler
- Adonian
- Adonis
- Adultery
- Advent
- Adverb
- Adverbs - temporal adverbs
- Aegeus
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A-Z: General definitions: Judaean Desert
A desert or wilderness to the east of Jerusalem descending to the Dead Sea and Jordan valley. According to the Old Testament, it was here that David hid from Saul, John the Baptist preached and Jesus was tempted prior to his baptism. In New Testament times it was more verdant than today.
The city on a hill (Mt. Zion) which King David captured and made the capital of Israel. It was the site of the Temple built by Solomon and of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Today it is still a holy city for Jews, Christians and Muslims.
Lake at the southern end of the Jordan valley.
The river Jordan flows from above Lake Tiberius (the Sea of Galilee) down to the Dead Sea. John the Baptist baptised Jesus in the river Jordan.
A 'testament' is a covenant or binding agreement and is a term used in the Bible of God's relationship with his people). The sacred writings of Judaism (the Hebrew Bible). These also form the first part of the Christian Bible.
In the Old Testament the second king of Israel, after Saul, anointed by Samuel to be king.
The first king of Israel.
A prophet, described in Luke's Gospel as related to Jesus. John foretold the coming of Jesus as the Saviour of mankind, and who baptised repentant people in the River Jordan as a sign that their sins were washed away. Later executed by King Herod.
The name given to the man believed by Christians to be the Son of God. Also given the title Christ, meaning 'anointed one' or Messiah. His life is recorded most fully in the Four Gospels.
The immersion in or pouring over of water, in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to signify the washing away of away of sin. Baptism in Christian churches marks the acceptance of the baptised child or adult into the church.
A 'testament' is a covenant (binding agreement), a term used in the Bible of God's relationship with his people. The New Testament is the second part of the Christian Bible. Its name comes from the new covenant or relationship with God.
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