A-Z: General definitions
- 39 Articles
- a Calvary
- Aaron
- Aaron's Rod
- Abaddon
- Abbess
- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abdication
- Abel
- Abolition
- Abolitionism
- Abolitionist
- Abomination of desolation
- Abraham
- Abraham Lincoln
- Absalom
- Absolution
- Absolve
- Abstinence
- Abstruse
- Absurdist
- Abyss
- Academy
- Accent
- Achan
- Acheron
- Achilles
- Acolyte
- Acoustic
- Acoustics
- Act
- Act of Union
- Actaeon
- Active Life
- Active verb
- Active Voice
- Acts
- Adam
- Adjective
- Adjectives - comparatives and superlatives
- Adjectives - predicative position
- Adolf Hitler
- Adonian
- Adonis
- Adultery
- Advent
- Adverb
- Adverbs - temporal adverbs
- Aegeus
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A-Z: General definitions: Religious retreat
A period or place of seclusion for the purpose of prayer, meditation and contemplation.
Communication, either aloud or in the heart, with God.
Christian devotional practice in which a verse of the Bible or some aspect of the Christian life is held in prayerful and focused thought, until some deeper aspect of its reality manifests itself.
1. The act of looking at something steadily with close attention. 2. Concentration on a spiritual topic as an act of religious devotion. 3. A state of special awareness of God.
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