A-Z: General definitions
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A-Z: General definitions: Tree of knowledge
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was one of many trees in the Garden of Eden, but this tree alone was forbidden to humankind under the penalty of death. The serpent tempted Eve to eat and to become like God 'knowing good and evil'. When Adam joined Eve in eating the forbidden fruit, the result was shame, guilt, exclusion from the garden, and separation from the tree of life and from God.
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Big ideas: Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, 'Second Adam'
The opposite of goodness; thoughts and actions which are in opposition to God's will and result in wrongdoing and harm. That which opposes God.
The place described in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament, in which God placed his first human creatures, Adam and Eve.
1. Genesis indicates that death was not part of the orginal plan for human beings but is one of the consequences of the Fall.
2. The death of Jesus is presented as opening up the possibility of reconciliation with God.
A snake. In some religions and mythologies seen as the embodiment of deceit, cunning and evil, and associated with Satan.
According to the book of Genesis in the Bible the first woman, said to have been created by God out of Adam's rib, to be his companion.
The Bible describes God as the unique supreme being, creator and ruler of the universe.
According to Genesis (the first book of the Old Testament), Adam is the first human being, made in the image / likeness of God, placed in the Garden of Eden and given dominion over the earth.
Fruit is often used in the Bible metaphorically to mean the result of an action / word / behaviour.
Tree in the Garden of Eden symbolizing access to eternal life. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they were expelled from the garden and no longer had access to the tree of life.
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