A-Z: General definitions
- Vale of Tears
- Valediction
- Valedictorian
- Valley
- Valley of the shadow of death
- Vampire
- Vanity of Vanities
- Vassal
- Vatican
- Vatican Council
- Veil
- Venerate
- Veneration
- Vengeance
- Veni, Creator Spiritus
- Venial Sin
- Venite
- Venus
- Verb
- Verbs - auxiliary
- Verbs - dummy auxiliary
- Verbs - infinitive
- Verbs - inflections
- Verbs - modal auxiliary
- Verbs - verb phrase
- Vermeer
- Vernacular
- Vernacular Translations and Paraphrases
- Verse
- Verse Drama
- Versification
- Vesper
- Vespers
- Vesta
- Vestment
- Vestry
- Vicar
- Vicarage
- Vicarious
- Vice
- Victoria
- Victorian
- Vigil
- Vignette
- Vine
- Vineyard
- Virgil
- Virgin Birth
- Virgin Mary
A-Z: General definitions: Verse Drama
Any drama written as verse to be spoken, for example most of the plays of Shakespeare.
the genre of literature that deals with plays and theatres as an art form
1. A line of poetry. 2. A stanza of poetry. 3. One of the sections into which a chapter of the Bible is divided. 3. Can refer to poetry as a whole. 4. The compositions of a particular author
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