A-Z: General definitions
- Vale of Tears
- Valediction
- Valedictorian
- Valley
- Valley of the shadow of death
- Vampire
- Vanity of Vanities
- Vassal
- Vatican
- Vatican Council
- Veil
- Venerate
- Veneration
- Vengeance
- Veni, Creator Spiritus
- Venial Sin
- Venite
- Venus
- Verb
- Verbs - auxiliary
- Verbs - dummy auxiliary
- Verbs - infinitive
- Verbs - inflections
- Verbs - modal auxiliary
- Verbs - verb phrase
- Vermeer
- Vernacular
- Vernacular Translations and Paraphrases
- Verse
- Verse Drama
- Versification
- Vesper
- Vespers
- Vesta
- Vestment
- Vestry
- Vicar
- Vicarage
- Vicarious
- Vice
- Victoria
- Victorian
- Vigil
- Vignette
- Vine
- Vineyard
- Virgil
- Virgin Birth
- Virgin Mary
A-Z: General definitions: Vespers
One of the seven daily prayer services of the Western Church (the Daily Office) held in the early evening. It is one of the oldest of the Offices, possibly tracing its origin back to the time of Benedict (circa 500 AD). The Anglican service of Evensong is based on Vespers.Religious ceremonies offering obedience and worship to God.
1. Term for a worshipping community of Christians.
2. The building in which Christians traditionally meet for worship.
3. The worldwide community of Christian believers.
1. An act of duty and devotion.
2. By extension, a religious ceremony offering obedience and worship to God.
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