A-Z: General definitions
- Vale of Tears
- Valediction
- Valedictorian
- Valley
- Valley of the shadow of death
- Vampire
- Vanity of Vanities
- Vassal
- Vatican
- Vatican Council
- Veil
- Venerate
- Veneration
- Vengeance
- Veni, Creator Spiritus
- Venial Sin
- Venite
- Venus
- Verb
- Verbs - auxiliary
- Verbs - dummy auxiliary
- Verbs - infinitive
- Verbs - inflections
- Verbs - modal auxiliary
- Verbs - verb phrase
- Vermeer
- Vernacular
- Vernacular Translations and Paraphrases
- Verse
- Verse Drama
- Versification
- Vesper
- Vespers
- Vesta
- Vestment
- Vestry
- Vicar
- Vicarage
- Vicarious
- Vice
- Victoria
- Victorian
- Vigil
- Vignette
- Vine
- Vineyard
- Virgil
- Virgin Birth
- Virgin Mary
A-Z: General definitions: Vicar
1. A substitute, representative, or proxy. 2. Title given to priest responsible for caring for a parish. In the Middle Ages many rectors (who had the right to the income from a parish church) appointed vicars to care for the parish in their place.
Latin: vicarius, 'substitute'.Area with its own church, served by a priest who has the spiritual care of all those living within it.
A priest who has charge of a parish. Until the twentieth century rectors had the right to the income from a parish church. In the Middle Ages many rectors appointed vicars (Latin vicarius, substitute) to care for the parish in their place.
Main church within a parish.
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