A-Z: General definitions
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- Aaron
- Aaron's Rod
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- Abolitionist
- Abomination of desolation
- Abraham
- Abraham Lincoln
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- Act
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- Actaeon
- Active Life
- Active verb
- Active Voice
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- Adam
- Adjective
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A-Z: General definitions: Fiction
One of the main divisions of literature, being a narrative prose genre. The other main branches of literature are usually regarded as poetry, drama, and non-fiction. See novel, novella, short story, story, fable.
It is a prose text that is invented by its author, usually as a novel or short story. It depicts events, people and happenings that either never happened, or cannot be proved to have happened as depicted. So called docu-dramas push at the edge of fiction and non-fiction, being closely based on actual reported events or people, but with the dialogue invented to a large extent.
The creation and production of texts as an art form. Literature can either be oral or written.
a prose text that tells a story, having a plot, characters and a narrator
In written text, the ordinary plain form of language, not organised into verse form. It is often contrasted with the term 'poetry'.
A French word meaning type or class. A major division of type or style in an art-form. A sub-genre is a lesser division. The main literary genres are novel, short story, comedy, tragedy, epic and lyric.
One of the main genres of literature, wherein words are arranged as verse.
the genre of literature that deals with plays and theatres as an art form
Prose literature that is about events that have actually happened
a long fiction, a prose narrative.
a long short story, ranging from between 60-120 pages.
a prose fiction not usually longer than 50 pages, shorter than a novella. It normally centres round just one incident or one person, usually at some critical juncture.
A narrative or tale with a straightforward sequence of events.
1. A short story written to teach a moral lesson, often employing the use of animal characters. 2. An obviously make-believe fiction full of wonder and strange characters.
In written text, the ordinary plain form of language, not organised into verse form. It is often contrasted with the term 'poetry'.
a prose fiction not usually longer than 50 pages, shorter than a novella. It normally centres round just one incident or one person, usually at some critical juncture.
Prose literature that is about events that have actually happened
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