A-Z: General definitions
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A-Z: General definitions: Jesus Christ
(c. 4 BCE- c. 30 CE). Jewish carpenter and teacher; founder of Christianity. Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew 'Joshua' meaning 'Yahweh (God) is salvation'). His life is recorded mainly in the four Gospels although he is also mentioned by the Jewish historian Josephus (c 37-c.100) and the Roman historian Tacitus (c.110). Jesus was also given the title Christ, meaning 'anointed one' or Messiah, by his followers.
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Big ideas: Messiah, Christ, Jesus
1) In the Bible a member of the Hebrew race
2) Someone who belongs to the Jewish faith which believes in one God and the importance of Jewish Law.
The beliefs, doctrines and practices of Christians.
The name given to the man believed by Christians to be the Son of God. Also given the title Christ, meaning 'anointed one' or Messiah. His life is recorded most fully in the Four Gospels.
1. Language in which the Old Testament was written.
2. Jew, Jewish; belonging to Israel
The Bible describes God as the unique supreme being, creator and ruler of the universe.
In the Bible, salvation is seen as God's commitment to save or rescue his people from sin (and other dangers) and to establish his kingdom.
Gospel - Literally 'good news' - used of the message preached by Jesus recorded in the New Testament.
1. The central message of the Christian faith
2. Title given to the four New Testament books which describe the life of Jesus Christ
Title (eventually used as name) given to Jesus, refering to an anointed person set apart for a special task such as a king.
A Hebrew word meaning 'anointed one', describing someone who will be the saviour of the people. Title (eventually used as name) given to Jesus.
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