Scene two

Enter two SCHOLARS.

     FIRST SCHOLAR. I wonder what's become of Faustus, that was wont
     to make our schools ring with sic probo.

     SECOND SCHOLAR. That shall we know, for see, here comes his boy.

          Enter WAGNER.

     FIRST SCHOLAR. How now, sirrah! where's thy master?

     WAGNER. God in heaven knows.

     SECOND SCHOLAR. Why, dost not thou know?

     WAGNER. Yes, I know; but that follows not.

     FIRST SCHOLAR. Go to, sirrah! leave your jesting, and tell us
     where he is.

     WAGNER. That follows not necessary by force of argument, that you,
     being licentiates, should stand upon:  therefore acknowledge
     your error, and be attentive.

     SECOND SCHOLAR. Why, didst thou not say thou knewest?

     WAGNER. Have you any witness on't?

     FIRST SCHOLAR. Yes, sirrah, I heard you.

     WAGNER. Ask my fellow if I be a thief.

     SECOND SCHOLAR. Well, you will not tell us?

     WAGNER. Yes, sir, I will tell you:  yet, if you were not dunces,
     you would never ask me such a question; for is not he corpus
     naturale? and is not that mobile? then wherefore should you
     ask me such a question?  But that I am by nature phlegmatic,
     slow to wrath, and prone to lechery (to love, I would say),
     it were not for you to come within forty foot of the place
     of execution, although I do not doubt to see you both hanged
     the next sessions.  Thus having triumphed over you, I will set
     my countenance like a precisian, and begin to speak thus:—
     Truly, my dear brethren, my master is within at dinner,
     with Valdes and Cornelius, as this wine, if it could speak,
     would inform your worships:  and so, the Lord bless you,
     preserve you, and keep you, my dear brethren, my dear brethren!

     FIRST SCHOLAR. Nay, then, I fear he is fallen into that damned art
     for which they two are infamous through the world.

     SECOND SCHOLAR. Were he a stranger, and not allied to me, yet should
     I grieve for him. But, come, let us go and inform the Rector,
     and see if he by his grave counsel can reclaim him.

     FIRST SCHOLAR. O, but I fear me nothing can reclaim him!

     SECOND SCHOLAR. Yet let us try what we can do.

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